As the name suggests, Life Insurance India secures your life from financial losses, which occurred due to the unexpected or premature death of the insurer. In life insurance, the insurer pays a fixed amount of money in the form of premium, to the insurance company,
In return for which company promises to pay a certain sum of money to the family or legal heir of the insurer, on his death or mis-happening. The money the company pays depends upon the contract and premium paid by the insurer. Call us now, your Life Insurance Agent to ensure you and your beloved family.

Life Insurance provides life cover to the policyholder, for securing adverse financial consequences or death of the insurer. It may be in the form of critical illness, partial or total disability.
Life Insurance provides secure future to the family of the policyholder, in case of his uncertain death. In case of death, the insurance company pays the full amount (amount + bonus) to the beneficiary.
under section 80 C of Income Tax Act, life insurance amount up to the limit of Rs. 100000.
Most of the insurance policy give bonus amount along with the actual amount at the time of maturity. The bonus amount is quite good, which is not available in any other kind of investment.